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January 27, 2010

BUSY LIFE (CA1: Part 5 of 5)

First thing in the morning during our Biology lesson, we were informed that we must pair up and do a brochure relating to the circulatory system. Just the fourth week in school we received so much projects. For English, we had to blogging which I am doing now. Biology, we must do a brochure and lastly for History we have to interview an ex-Victorian who is currently working. Just the first term and many works have to be done in just ten weeks.

I am under tension. How I wish school is a place to slack. That would not becoming true cause school is a place to study. Never mind few more years I will enjoy life. I felt that just in Term 1 many hands on activities are done. Probably due to the final year examination we have to prepare in Term 2 many of this activities are pushed forward so it would not clash with the examination. This year is a very important one for the Secondary 2s cause it is our streaming year and we have to choose our subject combination at the end of the year of which thesubjects e are taking next year are the subjects we are taking in our O-Levels which will be 2 more years. "Aaarghh!"

Time flies very fast. I still can feel that it was just one month ago I only get my PSLE Results. The fact is that it has been one year plus since I received my results. One day felt like few minutes. One week felt like one day. This is probably due to our hectic lifestyle which prevent us from enjoying our day. There are many homework to be done too.

Talking about homework, I am signing off now cause I want to complete my homework so that I can enjoy the rest of the day studying. No, not studying. I meant slacking. Hahaha!!!!!! Bye.

Blogged @ 4:29 PM

January 26, 2010

BOYS SEWING? (CA1: Part 4 of 5)

Boys sewing? Does it sounds weird? Actually its not. In Victoria School every single Victorians must learn to sew. It is one of the compulsory subject in lower secondary. There is not Home Economics in upper secondary. Luckily it is in lower secondary or not I will be dead. For your information the word dead I wrote is in a figurative way not a literal way.

Let's get to the point. Yesterday we had our fourth Home Economics lesson. We are supposed to designed a teddy bear wearing sports clothes in conjunction with the Youth Olympic Games in August which is seven more months to go.

I decided to designed a teddy bear wearing a basketball jersey. It is not because it is easy to sew but due to the time remaining for sewing the teddy bear is short, I decided to sew a bear wearing a basketball jersey. Sewing the teddy bear itself is difficult and tedious and it take a long time to do. Our class just finished sewing the head which is complicated as you need to turn the gusset or surfboard (due to its shape) while sewing. It is also perplexing for us to sew as fine as we could.

It is very baffling for us as we are boys. It is not our nature. We boys are rough and do not have fingers like girls have. Actually, Home Economics is fun when we are doing cooking which we will be doing next term after the March Holidays. I could not wait for it. But first and the utmost important thing we need to concentrate on is to sew the teddy bear. Just be patient and you will get your reward.

Enough blogging. I want to finish sewing my gusset or else I will be reprimanded by the teacher for not handing my work on time.

Blogged @ 4:05 PM

January 23, 2010

HISTORY (CA1: Part 3 of 5)

History is the study of human past. In Greek, historia means inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation. There are many things happenings in our life as a result of history. For instance, examinations are invented by the Chinese. In China, people living hundred years back took an examination before they can be scholar. Therefore I would like to share my experience with you all how I discovered the history of Queenstown after doing my researc.

Due to the Higher Malay project given by our Higher Malay teacher, I would not know the history of Queenstown. Queenstown actually was a big swampy land. There are 2 hills named feng xing and feng ling. The former is a rubber plantation and the latter is a cemetery called boh beh kang. Queenstown was named after Queen Elizabeth the second to mark her coronation in 1953. The British also set up a camp called Buller Camp in 1953 which was then later cleared up to give way for public housing. Queenstown was also the first satellite town in Singapore.

Who would have thought that this plain place could be full of history. Due to Singapore bustling environment, people do not have the time to surf the internet for history of such places. They just ignore it and continue with their own live. Some of them even do not know Singapore's history. If they were ask who founded Singapore. The answer will be Lee Kuan Yew, Yusof Ishak. All sort of nonsense answer were blurted out of their mouth. Even though, the founder of Singapore statue was placed at the Singapore River and the Victoria Memorial Hall and not forgetting Sang Nila Utama, a prince from Palembang who turned Temasek or now known as Singapore or Lion City into a bustling trading port before the founding of Singapore in 1819.

History should be make a more interesting lesson in school so that students will take the initiative to do their own research. I hope from this students will be able to appreciate Singapore's history better than what they do know. Without History students will not be able to understand what their forefathers had to go through to give us a wonderful place to live in. It is all due to their hard work that they had to do. Therefore study History and you will then be able find the hidden beauty in History.

Blogged @ 10:37 PM

January 18, 2010

RESILIENCE (CA1: Part 2 0f 5)

The definition of resilience according to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary is to be able to withstand adverse situations. This is one of the values that must be inculcated in everyone since they are young so that when they grow up, they would not be defeated easily in life without persevering.

This topic was covered during our CDE-TTT lesson or Character Development Education. We were showed a video about Nick Vujicic, a famous man who was born without limbs.

The memory of Nick Vujicic triggered in my mind when Mr. Hamilton our striking, good-looking form teacher showed the video.

Two years ago, I met him during a convention organised by Halogen Foundation which was held at Ngee Ann Polytechnic during Young Leaders day for Primary school students.

Watching the video Mr. Hamilton showed us and recollecting about what Nick Vujicic mentioned during his talk has motivated me even more. He was able to graduate from one of the universities in Australia even though he had no limbs. We must be like him. Not easily succumb to the difficult situation we face.

I can feel it is like to be in his shoes as I had gone through the past nine months. Watching this video has make me reflect what happen to me during the nine past months of suffering.

It has been nine months since I contracted the virus and have been on a wheelchair ever since. I felt despondent that I was wheelchair-bound. Even though it is momentary, I feel downcast with my current situation as it occurred all of a sudden. I am envious of the other kids who can run, walk and do other activities. Doctors estimate that it would take one year for me to recuperate. They even mentioned that I might suffer a relapse if I do not take care of my health.

Upon hearing the news I was disheartened and it made me even more stressed. Each day, I questioned myself, “What would happen to my life?”

Every time I go out, I would feel intimidated, thinking of what people would think of me. Would they accept me in their community? Sometimes at shopping centres I could observe some eyes staring at me. I felt discombobulated when they plastered their eyes on me. I am also ashamed at times when I see teenagers who are my age could walking and enjoying life.

Through this I am motivated even more. Inspired by the talk too, I will take my disability as a specialty that I have and nobody else has. I am able to live life to the fullest and with a positive attitude. I should be more grateful and not to grumble over my difficulties I am facing. I should be more grateful as I have my limbs. Nick did not gave up even though he has no limbs. I should have the courage like him. I must be strong in order to face these adverse situations. I must work hard like our school motto "Nil Sine Labore" which means Nothing without Labour. Life is a mountain. Roads that has its ups and downs.

Blogged @ 4:56 PM

January 17, 2010

Weekends (CA1: Part 1 of 5)
Weekends are finally here. Cannot wait to spend my weekends. People usually enjoy weekends by going to the beach with family or got to the various attraction that Singapore has to offer such as the zoo, Sentosa and others. The youngster will usually go dating, shopping, partying or hanging out with friends. These are the common things that Singaporeans do over the weekend. Now I would blog what I did over the weekends.

A shaft of sunlight filtered through my room. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the light. I woke up and do all the usual stuff. Change my clothes and have breakfast. Ate "Nasi Sambal Goreng" and went to finish my homework. It has been a hectic school week. I need to think of a unique design for my Home Economics teddy bear, Higher Malay Project and Online Project Work. These projects dateline are close to each other and they are stressing me out and causing me to become crazy but no matter what happens we are Victorians and we need to balance our studies with project. After finishing my homework, I decided to ask my father to drive around Queenstown to take some pictures for Higher Malay Project.

At 3 in the afternoon we leave the house for Queenstown. At CTE the road was packed like sardines. It took a very long time before the jam eases. I do not exactly know what was the problem. It is due to an accident or the widening of CTE roads. At last we reached Queenstown. Took several photos of the places such as Alexandra Hospital, Queenstown Shopping Centre, Ikea Home Furnishings, Queenstown MRT and others. After several rounds around Queenstown we finally got all the pictures for the project. We then decided to go to Changi Airport viewing gallery to watch the plane taking off and landing.

Since I was 10 I was interested in aeroplanes. How they take off and landing. I even bought a games called Flight Simulator X where you are allowed to fly your plane around from every corner of the world. Planes differs from sizes. Big, small, narrow, wide and other. You could also fly an helicopter. It is difficult to control the helicopter therefore I usually fly the jumbo jets.

Half an hour later, we reached Changi Airport and went to viewing gallery. There are many planes taking off and landing. I am so amazed what the engineering sector have achieved. They could make and heavy piece of metal fly in the sky and stay buoyant in the air without crashing to the ground. This was all possible due to our forefathers. Without them we will not be able to enjoy all these luxury. Probably we will still be living in 'Kampong' houses. That's all then. Going off now. Enjoy your weekends. Bon voyage!!!!!!!!

Blogged @ 10:42 AM

January 13, 2010


Today, Mr Hamilton brought us to IT Lab to complete or add some finishing touches to our blog. As I have completed my blog, I decided to go bloghopping. Most of the blogs I went to my seniors as I wanted to know their results.Some of them have gotten good results and intend to go VJC or RI(JC). In one of my senior blog he mentioned that the school average was 10.8. They wanted to break 10 point barrier but they didn't manage to that's why yesterday Mr Low didn't say anything about the O-Levels results unlike last year he gave an extra one day off due to the good result the 2008 batch had attained. My senior also mention that the average was 10.8 as 8 of them to be exact got 20+ over points. Hope this year batch will get a good result so that we will be able to enjoy an extra day off next year. Going off now. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blogged @ 12:05 PM

January 7, 2010


Currently, this is the first time I blogged. I did this only for my English CA1 Assignment which computes 50% of my CA1 mark. Usually I do not have the time to do all these due to school activities. It's a great experience though to blog for the first time and customize your blog according to the instrcutions given by my freinds and doing it on my own. I thought it was difficult but following the instructions given it was easy as adding 123 but it takes time though as you need to find the skin you wanted. It takes me almost 3 full days for me to find the best skin for my blog. I hope you all like it. Got to go now. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blogged @ 7:59 PM

Short intro

Daniel Nur Hakim
2 January ,Capricorn
14 years old
Victoria School (2009-Current)
Victorian (Forever!!)


Mc Donald
Chicken Wings
Nintendo Wii

tag b4 u go


Music Playlist at

Sweet Escapes

Brian Lee
Bryan Wu
Hui Dhar
Matthew Low
Yi Chun
Zhi Lin
Jun Hui
Sing Chien
Han Wei
Wen Ping
Yong Kai
Wei Jie

rewind back to the past

January 2010


Dont remove [:

Designer :lost-